
die Lampe – live

14.02.2024 “die Lampe” concert as part of Fabrice Croux’s Vernissage – “Les mains pleines de pouces” at le Bel Ordinaire in Billère.


hell on fire – it was

…the film material comes from an “accidentally got in and never got out” classic car meeting somewhere in New Zealand, and has now become the music clip for Hell on Fire.



Resident Artist Christoph Rothmeier

Wednesday, August 9, 5 to 8 pm

Every three weeks a new resident artist appears and musically, artistically and performatively inhabits an area of the interior and exterior space.

Berlin-based artist Christoph Rothmeier will be the second resident artist to implement an acoustic spatial intervention in the changing display space. For the opening he will perform a light and sound set outside as ‘The Lamp’. Recordings played live blur with excerpts of his own productions (aka chrchr) somewhere between performed music and soundtrack to a radio play / audio experiment. «got a bulb?»

His installation in the exhibition Club will be on display from August 9 to August 27.

A project by Filomeno Fusco & Marte Kiessling

Exhibition from July 22 until October 29, 2023

For more information, visit

Kunstbrücke am Wildenbruch
Weigandufer Ecke Wildenbruchbrücke
12045 Berlin

Opening hours: Wed – Sun / 12 – 6 pm
free admission

audio pieces installation works

subs T tube

4 channel audio installation, sound system for mechanical sound transmission on pipes and tin cans, postcard, cleaning smock, 16 min
CLUB, Kunstbrücke am Wildenbruch Berlin, 2023

subs T tube
audio installation
Christoph Rothmeier

Subs T Tube, stages a fictitious music practice as it could take place in the near future. To reach his audience beyond established channels, DJ Plumper uses the sound transmission properties of pipes leading into public toilets to make his music audible there. In this way, he also avoids censorship and copyright lawsuits from an AI that already owns the rights to all sounds and all music in the year 2053. He announces his DJ sets on empty loo rolls, placed on site.
(Music and lyrics: Christoph Rothmeier, voices: Filomeno Fusco + Christoph Rothmeier )

subs T tube
audio installation
Christoph Rothmeier
subs T tube
audio installation
Christoph Rothmeier
subs T tube
audio installation
Christoph Rothmeier


… and here comes the first Docusheet. It was created in the search for a digital documentation format for my installations, and was made possible by the Neustart Kultur Modul D grant. Many thanks for that !

Aestivation stage

audio pieces installation works

have you seen my eyes

Gdzie są o-czy me ?

8 canal audio installation, 40 min,
Maiseh, 31. Jewish Culture Festival Krakow (Pl) 2022

have you seen my eyes?
audio installation
Christoph Rothmeier

In the front garden of St Catherine’s Church in Krakow, 8 loudspeakers hang freely from the trees, moving slightly with the wind. You can hear a choir singing in Polish and Ukrainian. Each loudspeaker is assigned a single voice of the choir. The visitor virtually wanders through the choir and between the singers.
In the “Book of Polish Jews”, Shmuel Yosef Agnon writes that after the death of his legendary lover, Esterka, King Casimir the Great kept her eyes and let her spirit wander restlessly around the earth.
“have you seen my eyes” describes Esterka searching for her eyes. She speaks directly to the listener “have you seen my eyes ?” and tells him in 6 scenarios how it feels to be a restless spirit, and what she actually sees, robbed of her eyes.
Over the duration of the piece and the course of the story, 3 elementary forms of composition alternate again and again:

  1. vocal part, a motif that takes up the motet (polyphonic vocal music from the 13th century onwards). 2. the interaction of the singers with the reverberation in the recording room (Wysoka Synagogue in Krakow). And 3. the reading of the 6 scenarios.

Music and text: Christoph Rothmeier
with the voices of: Ruzyndla Choir: Wiktoria Sędzimir, Weronika Sędzimir, Małgorzata Międlarz, Przemysław Ćwik, Dawid Rozmus, Rita Rain, Oleksandr Mazii and Kateryna Sakhanda
Photos: Michael Ramus

have you seen my eyes?
audio installation
Christoph Rothmeier

A language version in English can also be played via QR code and smartphone loudspeaker.


Maiseh | Have You Seen My Eyes | 31st JCF

Christoph Rothmeier – Have You Seen My Eyes

sound installation in collaboration with: Ruzyndla Choir: Wiktoria Sędzimir, Weronika Sędzimir, Małgorzata Międlarz, Przemysław Ćwik, Dawid Rozmus, Rita Rain, Oleksandr Mazii and Kateryna Sakhanda, as well as Adam Gajda, Pola Pawlikowska, Jörg Hochapfel, Philipp Haffner, Jakub Kubieniec The ghost of a woman searches for what she has lost. Have you seen my eyes?, her voice asks. Her body is in a different place than what she sees. She wanders the streets, looking for what was taken from her. legend: In “The Book of the Polish Jews”, Shmuel Yosef Agnon writes that after Esterka, the legendary lover of King Casimir the Great, passed away, he preserved her eyes – leaving her ghost restlessly wandering the Earth.

When it is hard to find the words, we tell stories. In “Maiseh”, which is the Yiddish word for tale (מייסע), seven legends were told in the public space. These stories are vehicles to grapple with loss, misfortune, betrayal and broken hearts. They arm us with humor, hope, courage and love. They bring us together. Traditionally passed on orally, legends were told over a meal or next to the campfire in almost all known human societies. The act of passing on stories shapes communities, which in turn come up with more tales to tell. Whether it is about a restless phantom roaming the streets, a hidden treasure or the guardian of an ancient synagogue – a “maiseh” usually contains few characters, simple dialogues, and nothing more than a superficial reference to an actual person, geographical location or historical event. These stories are simple and imaginative, sometimes fragmented, confusing or obscure.
During the 31. Jewish Culture Festival artists from Israel, Germany and Poland told their version of legends from Krakow in the medium of their choosing. Tales and legends transform as they are shared, slightly altered by the storyteller each time they are told. It is in the nature of the story to be adapted. Shaped as performances, drawings, murals, sound installations, workshops, and letters, the stories of “Maiseh” unfold in the streets of Kazimierz.


Curatorial team: Yael Sherill, Lianne Mol & Julia Kawka – Curatorial Collective for Public Art / Berlin, Meydad Eliyahu – HaMiffal / Jerusalem, Paweł Kowalewski – Jewish Culture Festival / Kraków Video: Julia Kawka

audio pieces installation sound design

aestivation stage

audioinstallation, 3 audio pieces for listening boothes, each 30min, future perfect land, berlin, chr 2021

aestivation stage
Christoph Rothmeier 2021
aestivation stage
Christoph Rothmeier 2021
aestivation stage
Christoph Rothmeier 2021

” In order to save resources, we will have gone into hibernation. By having slept for more than 75% of our lives, we will have secured the survival of generations of people. Inside of an individual “Aestivation Stage” – its exact origin unknown – we will have spent nine months per year in a collective slumber. A civilization centered around societal dormancy will have been regulating humanity’s rhythm of falling asleep and awakening, gradually leaving its traces on our psyche… “

installation performance

sonograph 3

Interaktive Installation /Konzerte, Cosmic Swarm Laboratory, Komostage IV, Radial System, Berlin 2021

Fotos Gianmarco

Der Sonograph 3 dokumentiert klangliche und räumliche Vorgänge. Er zeichnet Veränderungen von Lautstärken und Frequenzen auf, und sendet Parameter räumlicher Gegebenheiten zur Weiterverarbeitung an den Algorithmus. Zugleich funktioniert er als Klangerzeuger der wie ein Musikinstrument in den Kompositionen Einsatz findet.

In Kollaboration mit Johannes Schleiermacher, Peter Thomas, Oliver Roth und Jörg Hochapfel.!5768416/

Sonographie zu Oliver Roth / Treffpunkt pink
Sonographie zu Jörg Hochapfel / Doldrums
Sonograhie zu Johannes Schleiermacher / Likolit

Repros Gianmarco

“geister heimsuchen ガイスター ハイムズーヘン(haunting spirits)”

installation film audio, syp artspace tokio (JP), Shingo Yoshida and Christoph Rothmeier 2019

ポストカード 絵葉書はまだインターネットが無い時代は特に、訪れた場所の記憶を誰かと共有したいという願いを込めて送り、受け取った人は、遠くはなれた友人の生活に思いを馳せ、多くの思い出をつないだことと思います。しかし、多くのポストカードは時間が経つにつれ紛失されるか、捨てられて、
生きている人間の「精神」や「心」のことを意味する言葉として用いられている言葉です。それらの古いポストカードを手に、シンゴ・ヨシダとクリストフ・ロットマイヤーは、カードにあるバックデータを元に現在〜過去をつなげ、社会文化的背景を比較調査します。さらにその場所の言い伝えや伝説を知ること、土地文化を理解することとして重要な行動だと考えてます。そして、カードに宿ったガイスト(Geist)その場所で感じる見えない何か、雰囲気など、消えてなくなってしまった事柄や思い出として生き続けるスピリットのようなものを探しに旅に出てた結果を、作品制作として発表する予定です。Post-cards are souvenirs, at least they were meant to be.They illustrated memories of visited places and represented the wish to share moments in life with someone abroad. Sending a postcard was a gesture, it aimed to connect lives over great distances. Once received, and as time goes by, boxes full of postcards got lost or simply got thrown out. Separated from the receiver the cards lost its meaning, and the connection between two people, that it once represented faded away to become “ein Geist (a spirit/ghost)” that still inhabits the object somehow. Picking up those postcards, Shingo Yoshida and Christoph Rothmeier will try to haunt spirits that inhabit them. They will reconstruct the cards journeys and lead an artistic investigation on their “Geister” with all their possible pasts, to establish connections anew, but in form of an exhibition. For the Project “Geister heimsuchen” Shingo Yoshida and Christoph Rothmeier cooperate for the first time, to investigate in found Postcards and the eld of socio- cultural phenomena that inhabits them.Their research will depart from images and information shown on backdated postcards, and they will investigate places that are shown, people that are mentioned and the Stories that are written on them.