audio pieces performance

the entertainers‘ dry eye

music performance, 25 min, chr 2014

The entertainers dry eye, is a piece of music for a
soloperformer. The performance consists of 10-20
short music fragments, each fragment is played with a specially made cloth mask. The
performer sings, plays drums and keyboard simultaneously, through the masks sight and orientation is
the task can be solved more acrobatically than musically.
than musically. Musical accidents are provoked and desired.
( Music, costume and performance Christoph Rothmeier)

Klangkeller, Berlin 2018; Blurred edges, Hamburg 2016/218; AUA , Westwerk Hamburg 2015; High Tide, Westgermany, Berlin 2014; Superposition, Lehrter 17, Berlin 2014

Superposition, Lehrter 17, Berlin 2014