
* 1974
born in Lindau, Lake of Constance, lives and works in Berlin and Hamburg.
Studied art at Hochschule für Bildende Kunst Hamburg, Germany,
and at Villa Arson (Ecole nationale supérieure d’art) in Nice, France.

2010 Travelstipend of Neue Kunst in Hamburg e.V.
2009/2010 Atelierstipend Gartenkunstnetz e.V, Hamburg, Germany
2009 Artist award 2009 of Zeppelin Stiftung Friedrichshafen
2008 Workingstipend fine arts of the City of Hamburg, Germany
2006/2007 DAAD scholarship for independent research in Chicago, USA
2005 Best diploma 2004/05, award of the Ditze-stiftung, Hamburg, Germany
2004 Promotion of the project ZZZ of the Stiftung Freundeskreis der HfBK, Hamburg, Germany
2003 Scholarship, by “Office franco allemand pour la jeunesse” for study related exchange to Villa Arson, Nice, France